Seattle's Green Building Experts
In conventional building or remodeling, there are hundreds of decisions that homeowners must make related to functionality, aesthetics, cost, and design preferences. Homeowners who want to build green must also consider such factors as indoor air quality, energy conservation, durability, and the reduction of the home's impact on the local, regional, and global environment.
While there is no denying that building green adds complexity to a project, we use our decades of experience and expertise to help our clients navigate all the choices and achieve the ultimate goal: a comfortable, healthy home that treads lighter on the earth and reflects the owners' ideals and preferences.
The Secret to Successful Green Building Is Collaboration
We believe successful green building is only achieved when all those involved in a project collaborate. That means all the key players—builder, designer, and homeowners—are on the same page. Before the first plank is laid or nail is driven, we strive to fully understand our client's priorities and address any concerns they might have. Only with the homeowner's goals in mind can we map out the most budget-friendly and effective methods to achieve them.
Incorporating any new material or strategy into the construction process involves a learning curve, sometimes a steep one. This also is true for green building. Sunshine Construction has a proven track record that includes extensive experience building highly energy-efficient homes, incorporating water conservation alternatives, and using quality, low-toxic materials that are resource efficient. The two-plus decades we’ve specialized in green building have provided us with many opportunities to implement, and in many cases, pioneer the use of numerous green building innovations that are now standard green building practices.
Having been the first to construct our local Built Green™ program’s highest rated home and, subsequently, the program’s highest-rated remodel, Sunshine Construction offers you confidence in our green building expertise, a proven track record of success, and a list of satisfied customers.
"Deeply green homes can be very beautiful, healthy places."
– Jon Alexander
Since 1991 Jon Alexander has specialized in green building, helping to develop new techniques and raise awareness among fellow general contractors and the public. As a green building contractor expert and founding member, Jon helped develop the Built Green™ program, the region's most popular residential green building certification program. He went on to chair the committee that updated the program's Single-Family Checklist and was a member of the team that updated the Remodeling Checklist. Jon is also one of the founders of the Northwest EcoBuilding Guild, a nonprofit organization that empowers people through education to transform the built environment for long term sustainability.
We would be happy to talk to you about your project and provide full construction services or consulting. Our principal Jon Alexander is also available to make presentations that inspire, educate, and transform.
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